Plan Sponsor Services

Century Specialty Script is committed to helping Plan Sponsors achieve the important goals of cost containment and first class patient treatment.  With so many complex treatments available, it can become very difficult for patients to understand and administer their medications.  In addition, an overwhelming number of patients require more than one medication to treat their disease, adding stress and creating a very complex administration process.


An overwhelmed patient can become a non-compliant patient.  This is why Century Specialty Script places such importance on our Century Cares Patient Adherence and Education Programs.  These programs can be individualized to meet a patient's specific needs and include items like medication reminders, literature, educational materials, and information on local support organizations and events. These programs help contribute to the overall effectiveness of a treatment and ultimately reduce costs through patient adherence and positive outcomes.


Century Specialty Script provides:


  • Customizable Pharmacy Benefits Management Services
  • Discreet Overnight Shipping for Specialty Medications
  • Patient Adherence Programs
  • Patient Education Programs
  • Nursing Services
  • Clinical Services